Thursday, July 22, 2010


We took a trip with Charlie back to good ole Iowa. What a great place to visit in the summer, even if it is hot and humid! Charlie is so lucky to have lots of family and friends there. We took many pictures of his adventures. Enjoy...

Poppo woke up to greet Charlie, even though it was past midnight! Charlie was happy to meet him!

We celebrated Great Grandma Garvin's 87th birthday at a delicious tapas restaurant in Iowa City called Devotay. We especially enjoyed the grilled olives and the bacon wrapped dates - yum!

Ben, Ellie and Anna all loved holding baby Charlie!!

We managed to squeeze in a girls night out (GNO) and lucky for us it was 99 cent margarita night!!

Pat got to ride in a cool car.

Charlie and Poppo out at Lee's.

Four generations!!

Spent time with the Church family and their two adorable boys! Charlie can't wait to get a little bigger so they can pal around together! :)

Handsome Poppo!

Charlie loves his aunties!!
Charlie sunning himself out at Nana and Poppo's.

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