Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bath Time Fun!

So my mom suggested giving Charlie a bath before his nap to help him settle down and relax. So today I gave him a bath then fed him and he was out! Thanks mom! He's been asleep for 20 whole minutes in his swing!! Hopefully he will rest up and realize how much he LOVES to nap!! I wonder when people start to like naps. It seems like most kids fight them, yet most adults would do anything for one! I started enjoying naps, or siestas, as an exchange student in Spain. After working out in the morning - did I say working out?? I meant going to school! Yeah, after that, I would come home and Lola would make us lunch. Then, we would all retire to our rooms and have a little snooze. I think siestas are a great idea and should be part of all cultures :)


  1. Love, love, love the new blog. It will be a wonderful way for all of us to stay caught up on The Blake's. Thanks for sharing!
