Sunday, July 11, 2010

Baby Shower for....Kotaro Kingston Fukuda-Harrison!!

Charlie attended his first tiger-themed baby shower yesterday in Redondo Beach for Kotaro Kingston Fukuda-Harrison. Kotaro will be just a few months younger than Charlie (once he is born in August) and Charlie can't wait to hang out with him and cause all sorts of trouble. Becca and Doyle have been known to stir up a little trouble at Trader Joe's back in the day.

Hanging with Dad at Miramar Park

The Fukuda-Harrison clan (Mai, Yuko and Doyle)

Canoodling with Eleni (sorry for the closed eye shot Eleni!!)

Chilling with Uncle Jimmy (note the smile on Charlie's face)

Asleep in the car after a long day of partying

A good day was had by all. We even got a little rain on the way home which made for perfect sleeping conditions for the car ride home.

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