Monday, September 27, 2010

Polish Restaurant

On Saturday we went to the Polish Restaurant, Warsawa, in Santa Monica. It is a Blake family favorite and we/they have been going there for years! We barely got our food when one of the waitresses snatched up Charlie so we could eat. And he didn't even slow her down. She was in and out of the kitchen, serving drinks, taking orders! All with Charlie on her hip!! (Excuse the pics - they are not the best quality - off of my phone)

Here she is taking a quick break to give Charlie a smooch on his head :)

Another one of Charlie's admirers.....

He returned from the kitchen with a cloth napkin bib around his neck! Too cute!

Bob and Bobbie

Mike and Chris

The guest of honor checking out his dessert

Tired and exhausted after a night of waiting tables, Charlie fell fast asleep in his carseat

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