Sunday, August 22, 2010

Exersaucer and Bath Time!

Charlie got a new toy. It is an exersaucer and it has gadgets and gizmos a plenty. He likes it so much that when we first put him in, he puked and peed on it. I think that must be good luck?!

It was quite an exciting night at the Blake Residence. Not only did Charlie get a new toy, but he also got to take a bath in the sink for the first time. I swear I remember doing this as a child, but it seems a bit unbelievable that I could remember back that far. Probably one of those memories that I just made up. I bet Muffy would have remembered (my imaginary friend - her Dad sold buttons from the inside of his coat). By the way, we are not putting Charlie in the sink again for quite awhile as he slipped and slided all over the place!

Thumbs up!!



On Friday we went to Outlaws, a local burger joint in Playa Del Rey. The menu includes burgers such as the Annie Oakley (I had this. It is a veggie burger and I DON"T recommend ordering a veggie burger with blue cheese. If you're going to get blue cheese just go for the beef) the Al Capone, Jack the Ripper and the Nixon. And if you're feeling real hungry, you might want to try the ginormous 2 lb. Desperado Burger. If you can muscle this baby down, you'll get a t-shirt, your picture on the wall, and best of all, bragging rights.

Checking out the menu with Dad

Charlie and his good lookin mom (I think Charlie just got a glimpse of the Desperado Burger). This same night someone told me that Charlie has my eyes - hmmm....

Giving kisses

Playdate with Logan

On Friday, Charlie's friend Logan came over to play. Okay, well actually Logan's mom Melissa is a friend of mine, but Logan and Charlie are going to become fast friends - we just know it!! Although for the first ten minutes of the play date the two boys just looked at each other and cried. After the initial shock of seeing another baby boy (mind you up to this point Charlie has 6 - yes 6 - girlfriends and has NEVER met a baby boy), the boys eventually got comfortable with one another and had a good time. We even got to take a stroll to the Blue Butterfly for some lunch. It was a great day!

The boys lounging on the floor

Logan is so big and strong!! He is 6 months old and weighs in at around 19 pounds - healthy baby and such a sweetie!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day at Rec Park

Today we spent the afternoon at Recreation Park. It was a little chilly, but Charlie had a great time rolling around on the blanket with mom, dad, and his toys!

"Standing" on dad...

So happy!!!

Exhausted from the park, he fell asleep on dad :)


Simply put, Charlie LOVES to smile these days! Here's to hoping these pics make you smile, too!


My friend Jessica recently made a trip back to LA from DC. She stopped by to see Charlie and give him a few smooches, then whisked me off for a night of heavy drinking (okay - really just a little wine tasting) at Whole Foods. Who knew you could get drunk in the middle of Whole Foods?!?! It was great to get out, and we even had to ask someone for a ride home. AND....the best part was that when I got home, Charlie was in bed ASLEEP!!!! Good job, Pat!

Music in the Park

A few Sundays ago we finally made it to one of the weekly Sunday concerts in the park that EL Segundo has every summer. Finally! We have been talking about coming here for the past two summers and just now made it. I made some delicious sandwiches for us to take and a great time was had by all!!