Monday, December 6, 2010

Odds and Ends

Charlie loves to crawl under things, like the futon...

And the chopping block...

And he is just so darn cute in his diaper...

And he had fun with his first experience in a shopping cart...

Thanksgiving in Iowa

Charlie and I enjoyed spending time with family and friends In Iowa over Thanksgiving...

Charlie has THREE Uncle Tims!! Can you guess which on is the youngest?!?!?!

He loves his Poppo

And his Great Aunt Janet

And he got to eat in the highchair that has been around for many many years

And he even played on the floor when Rusty let him :)


Charlie has completed his first Seahorse swimming session and passed with flying colors! He can already do the butterfly AND swim to the bottom of the pool - well, almost. Here are some fun (and kind of fuzzy) pics.


Last month we hosted a fun play date with Kate, Quinn and Alex. Once again Charlie was the only boy - lucky little feller!

It's been so long....

The other day I thought to myself, boy, I'd better get those Thanksgiving pictures up before it's Christmas, then I realized, I hadn't even blogged about Halloween! Oh, and I have a bum finger from a celery slicing incident so the text will be minimal.

Charlie thought he was going to be Pooh for Halloween...

But, then he decided he wanted to be a pumpkin instead...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Good times with Auntie Rianne

On Mondays Charlie is a lucky duck because he gets to spend all morning with Auntie Rianne! They have so much fun together and here are the pics to prove it...

Avocado Time

Charlie recently started his solid food regime and we kicked it off with good old avocado. Considering that up until this point he has only had breast milk, he found it quite entertaining! And thanks to Aunt Sara, we have lots of good ideas for homemade baby food!
