Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My hopes for this blog...

I really feel like I just need a creative outlet or maybe just a little structure - are those 2 different things?? Oh well. For starters, this blog is a way for my family and friends to see pics of Charlie and to watch him grow - not too fast please! So wish me luck and I hope you enjoy the blog!

Pirate Park

Today Charlie and I went to our first MOMS club of El Segundo outing to
Pirate Park in Playa Del Rey. It was really nice meeting other ES moms and having adult conversation about important things like The Bachelor and Real Housewives of NJ. We will definitely be going to other MOMS events in the future.

Charlie is up from his 10 minute nap and is playing in his Jungle Activity Gym. He loves to listen to the music and stare at the animals! I know - super exciting!!

Will Charlie Ever Nap???

So this is my very first post! How exciting! But it will have to be fast because I just shushed/sang/bounced Charlie back to sleep for the 3rd time in the past 10 minutes, and I suspect he may be calling me again soon! Yep - there it is. It starts with a little grunt and then progresses to an all out cry. Gotta go!